Ultimul număr al revistei noastre RO KU - JAPONIA SUFERINŢĂ ŞI SPERANŢĂ aprilie 2011 a fost vizionat pînă acum de 435 ori pe calameo. Prin intemediul lui Eduard Ţară care a popularizat proiectul nostru, am primit aprecierile primarului oraşului Matsuyama, localitatea în care s-a născut Masaoka Shiki, cel care a dat un nume şi un concept haiku-ului.
Dear Eduard Tara,
I would like to appreciate that you and 66 Romanian haikuists have made expression of sympathy for the victims by the earthquake in eastern part of Japan.
We, as the citizens at the capital of haiku, would like to express the gratitude instead of the victims.
Lots of people in Japan have suffered from this earthquake.
Even now, there are many evacuees from the giant tsunami or nuclear accident caused by the earthquake.
We are making united efforts to rebuild the safety lives for victims and reconstruct Japan.
Entire people all over the world such as Romanian including Mr. Tara have considerately supported us.
Since March 11, we are encouraged and powered by the message, donation, materials from all over the world.
I’m sure that Haiku which Shiki Masaoka, a haikuist from Matsuyama, had given his life for bounded Romania and Japan by rigid ties (Kizuna).
Again, I would like to thank you and 66 Romanian haikuists for cordial friendship.
Katsuhito Noshi
City of Matsuyama
Miki Takeda
Shiki Memorial Museum
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